"Lily" is a puppy that we kept when we bred "Terry" to our male, "Parker" they produced very nice pups and we repeated the breeding and kept a male from that next litter, "Jackson".
"Lily" produced awesome puppies and she is "Aunt Lily" to some of the puppies we are producing now.
This page is dedicated to the Best Westies..........EVER!
They all have a wonderful disposition, while maintaining the definition of "terrier" that we look for in the breed! They have personalities ++++ and their health and longevity have proven to be outstanding.
"Amy" is the foundation of our breeding standard.....she truly possessed ALL the wonderful and expected traits of a great westie! She was my daughter's best friend and was a very kind soul........as long as there were no mice, snakes or other critters in sight or smell! She was our first westie "mom" and she was great at it.
"Terry" is a puppy that we kept out of one of the first litters "Amy" had. She was raised here, at the Adsitt household. Once she was housebroken friends of ours took a shine to her. They adopted her with the understanding that we would breed her, getting her back here to have and take care of her puppies. After the pups are weaned then she would go back home to be "Queen of their castle!"
Westies we are breeding today that are decedents of "Terry" are
Corona Luna Lola
"Jackson" is a full brother to "Lily" - he is about 2 years younger than "Lily". They live in the same household and are social butterflies....they love everyone including children!
Westies that we are breeding today that are related to "Lily" and are decedents of "Jackson" are Corona, Lola & Luna